Friday, November 24, 2006

Reverse Curl with Ball

Grab hole of the ball between back of heels & thighs.

Exhale and curl knees up towards chest.

Squeeze abdomen muscles at the top & keep back on mate.

Inhale & lower ball to mat.

Repeat action before ball touches mat.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Single Leg Spike w/Ball (Part II)

Exhale & use abs to pull body off the mat, bringing ball foward.
At same time, raise left leg up (keeping leg straight) until toe touches ball.
Then inhale & again use abs to slowly lower your back on the mat as you extend arms overhead & rest ball on ground. Simultaneously, lower left leg back to floor.
Repeat while raising right leg.
Feel your abdomen muscles working-out, each time you raise & lower body from/unto the mat.

Leg Extension (Part II)

Lat Pulldown for the back muscles

Hold bar overhead with medium underhand grip.
Tighten abs to keep back straight & lean back slightly.
Exhale & pull-back elbows until bar touches chest.
Inhale & slowly return weight to stack.
BEFORE weight touches stack, exhale & pull weights back up again.

Single Leg Spike with Ball (Part I)

See "Single Leg Spike with Ball (Part II)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Tricep Pressdown

Stand upright facing weight stack & hold bar.
Start with elbows at right angle, close to your sides.
Exhale & push bar downwards until arms are straight.
Then inhale & allow bar to raise no further than level of elbows.
Remember, tempo in positive & negative phase or as weights are raising & lowering must be the same.
Feel triceps harden as you press bar down!

Bench Press for chest

Wide grip to work chest more or narrower grip to work arms.

Inhale & lower barbel 1 inch from chest.
Then exhale & raise barbel straight up.

Make sure, there is a spotter especially if the weights are heavy!

Leg Extension for Quadriceps (Part I)

Exhale & straighten legs without overextending knees.

Inhale & bend knees to lower weight 1 inch from weight stack. Then, extend knees again. Tempo on positive & negative phase should be the same to work quadriceps.

Always keep abdomen muscle tight & back upright throughout movement.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Leg Stretching AFTER warm-up

Sit on exercise mat with both legs extended in front.
Place left heel against right knee.
Bending fron the waist, grab hold of your right ankle.
Feel right leg muscle stretching.
Hold maximum stretch for 10 seconds under 1 breath cycle or longer if muscle is particularly stiff.
Repeat stretch for left leg.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Reverse Lunge with Barbells

Stand upright with barbell on top shoulders, feet waist-width.
Inhale & step right leg back, landing on toes.
Bend knees until right knee is 1 inch off ground.
Exhale & push right leg forward with toes.
Return to original position & repeat with left leg.
1o~20 repititions each leg.
Remember to keep abdomen muscle tensed for whole movement & back straight.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Hip Flex with Ball

Lay straight on right side with ball between feet. Extend right hand, making straight line with body & legs. Lay head on right arm and left hand placed on the mat infront of the stomach. Tighten abdomen muscles to help stabilise. Exhale & lift right leg straight up as high as possible. Inhale & slowly return right leg to floor. Repeat 20 times on both sides.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Arnold School of Deep Squats

  1. Place barbell on back of shoulders
  2. Position feet wider than hip-width apart
  3. Inhale & bend kness until thighs are parallel to floor
  4. Feel the weight at back of heels
  5. Exhale & use legs to raise yourself up
  6. When knees are past 45 degrees, push hips forward
  7. Keep knees soft at the top & repeat